Code your first simple SQL Injection checking vulnerability with Python

Hello, today we are making an Python MySQL SQL Injection checking tool. That's why we named it Code your first simple SQL Injection checking vulnerability with Python
It will work only on GET parameter using websites.

You are going to need:

     – Python 3.4

     – Internet Connection

     – A vulnerable website

     – Computer with Windows or Linux

If you haven't got installed Python yet, download it from the following link:

Python basics

Python is written in C, it is one of the easiest programming languages for hacking tools, it includes alot of very useful libs, today, we will use 1 of them,

Finding a website for testing
You can easily find a website for testing using simple SQLi dorks, like inurl:"index.php?cat_id=". You can find vulnerable site dumps over the web.

Step by step Code your first simple SQLi checking vulnerability with Python:

Before starting coding, make a new .py file.

Importing main libraries

This time we will use sys, urllib and urllib.request modules, so import those 3 by using import  sys, urllib, urllib.request or import sys, import urllib and import urllib.request in the new line

Explanation: 'import' is used for importing libraries, such as urllib or os, system.

Selecting the input type

Now we need to select the input type, the first one is pretty simple, the other one is harder. This time we will use the first one, but it does not affect other lines of code.

1) Use input("") commands to get user input. This time it will be:

fullurl = input("Please specify the full vulnerable url:  ")

Explanation: 'variable = input("Input: ")' sets the var 'variable' to user input, 'Input: ' is the text seen by the user at the input line.

2) Use arguments for specifying the data:

for carg in sys.argv:

if carg == "-w":

argnum = sys.argv.index(carg)

argnum += 1

fullurl = sys.argv[argnum]

Explanation: 'if' is a well known macro stament. Right now, we are using it to determine curent arg, the other lines – indicates the second argument, 'in' – checks if there is a specified text in a string.

Coding the program to make an web request

This is the most important part.

resp = urllib.request.urlopen(fullurl + "=1\' or \'1\' = \'1\''")

body =

fullbody = body.decode('utf-8')​

Explanation: We use 'if' macro for checking if there's the specified text in the response.

Scanner with first type of getting user input

So yeah, that's it!

Save the file, open cmd and run 'python' and input the requested info, if you were using the second method, use 'python -w website'. It will check if the site's vulnerable :)

The copied code may not work, please rewrite it to your file :)

If you had errors in syntax

Unexpected indendity shows up when there are problems with tabs.

Problems with syntax are mostly showing up on problems with macros. If this error occured, please check your macros validity.

How to prevent simple SQL injection

Preventing SQLi ON MYSQL if very simple. Just use mysql_real_escape string for queries, as example:

$query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM users where user='%s' AND password='%s',



ADVICE: after having success on this scanner, try to making a heartbleed exploiter.
Happy Reading!

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